If Supercoin and Mamm are realy cooperating probably I hope we will see soon multipool for mamm too. Supercoin payment multi just started:
http://supermultipool.com/ .
With mamm I'm starting to know what the lab rat feel. Many ambigious feelings and only maze creator knows what is behind the wall :/
Some night thoughts:
- From tech side this coin looks good. Node network is quite world wide spread with 16-24 active nodes.
- Most of crapcoins doesnt have so such big network. No matter what kind of tech is behind - even if those nodes are enchanced pool wallets with node function.
- If its true it can explain Phase 2 with trustless and more protected blockchain. It will increase security and flexibility.
- Straight forward approach to problem saying that developer can be good with programming but he can have lack of skills in case of network security.
- Marketing side sux but.... without phase 2 what this coin can offer in oposite to other ones? As I see dev is quite sensitive when people overhype their coins mostly in security cases.
- Ignoring or doesnt intrested in promotional camaign - again same question. Why to use false promises? Falling from high hurts like it was during 3k sato. 3k sato was a good start floor and probably the coin will remain on that level till now but lack of transparency had major influence on this fall - not fuders. They just put fire but oil was spilt.
- Deadline. Ofcourse its hard to predict but dev please change your approach with informing. Tweet or just edit first page. For person which is looking at first time its hard to go through whole thread and find that "we are working on it and it is very sensitive system..."
- Conspiration theory - there are companies in world which are very well known not by their advertisment but of their quality of product. Maybe dev is so selfconfident in his product that it will protect by it self and it will be widespread by people? IMO bad approach. Look at LTC and DOGE. DOGE truly didnt bring anything new - just same thing but better marketing.
- 2nd theory - investors know current state of project and want to keep price lower and lower. In my opinion bringing on multipool, trustless node, mobile app (I'd preffer also multisig for buissness) and some marketing should kick coin back to 4-5k sato (150k-200k $ whole volume)
- Again lack of transparency - what happened to premine? Its hard to trace where money are now - searching from block 1 and ways created by mixers(anonymizers) creating more and more speculations. Maybe premine is split within group? One of traces with shard of premine leading to bittrex shortly before big dropdown from 3k sato. Sold premine? I dont think so - sinking this whole project for "only" 10BTC? Lame... But we have big wallet in blockchain which is staking and looks like premine. Dev? Bagholder? Wtf?
Look - lack of this simple transparency leading again to speculation... lab rats... For example XXX coin kicked premine to escrow. Sounds better? Not well known ISRa coin - spreadsheet and premine addresses.
- Multipool - coinking made offer to create it for fee. From customer side it maybe look strange - "they offer help for fee, they refuse, they dont wanna pay". Simple conclusion "Th3y d0nt hv c00!nzz... th3y $001d pr3m!ne !111!!!!". 2nd thought: "wait, wait. they are cooping with supercoin and they just started multipool. maybe they have ready own sollution as fruit of cooping?"
- [Fast edit] Lack of info - concurency can read other plan too.... I agree with you remistevens.
- I dont know why but some kind of inner feeling telling me to keep that coin. I'm still keeping my staking bag.
Whats your feelings big and little bag holders?