Well some folks are just better at writing than at reading. No offense
Look, I did not expect to have to do compiling first in order to start mining.
The devs evidently are using the very latest Ubuntu, custom-modified with cryptopp-5.6.2 (the very newest). Show me where the need to update to cryptopp-5.6.2 was anywhere announced pre-launch.
There was no way in hell that any Linux user could have started alongside everybody else, because every Linux user had to hunt through the readme's in the github source code, to find out what the stopper was, what we had to compile first in order to join the mining party.
And even then, even with the right version of libcryptopp, pool mining was not possible until 1gh independently and heroically released a fixed version of minerd.
The devs should have released versions of the maxcoind and maxcoin-qt and minerd binaries with libcryptopp.so.6.0.0 static-compiled in.
That they did not, shows either malice aforethought or abysmal lack of experience in Linux development. It's got to be one or the other.
And where is the promised change-of-algorithm which will thwart GPU-mining? Here I've been pool-mining for about 14 hours now on two quad-core machines, and have a whopping 1.3 MAX to show for it. Big whoop-de-doo.