I will speak to the DashPayMagazine.com guys as they are responsible for that image.
I certainly appreciate the honesty, and will speak with them about this.
MasterTraderCoin website is certainly due for a remodel. My ideas for these changes are jotted down, and should have some free time to make these changes live within the site shortly.
Same for the OP, this needs a simple but effective PDF remodel.
I'm working with a friend of mine and seeing what he is made of.
I can say this is his work that he is helping me with for CryptosCloset.com
All of the Photoshop on CryptosCloset.com apparel designs has been done by me, myself, and I.
Interested in your critique there as well.
My hustle doesn't quit my friend, it only will get better from here.
Sounds good, I just see updating those sites as a priority if you are looking to drive traffic to them, you'll probably see a larger conversion rate from the hits than leaving it outdated and it heads off a lot of the trolls (hehe the Great and Terrible Terrik for one) who like to use FUD to manipulate markets so they can day-trade a little profit. You simply direct people to the site, where the history and current status are explained and... boom, no more issue.
I checked out the Cryptos Closet site yesterday and it looks pretty good. The site graphics and banners and backgrounds work well and the layout is perfect for what it is/does.
I'd say some of the model images still look really photoshopped or like you applied the logo on one of those "print your own t-shirt" design sites and just saved the image. It shows what the product would be but if you really want to stand out, model the actual product so you can show the quality (one recommendation is to offer a discount or reward if the customer sends you pictures you can use and then replace the "shopped" pictures with real ones as they sell, I understand you may not want to produce shirts that you don't have sales for and think this might be a good workaround). One of your original intents was to have high quality apparel and graphics so get some closeups of the fabrics and printing and show it off. If you want that to be a differentiator from other sites where you can slap a logo on a shirt and order it then you need to bring it front and center and demonstrate why you're the "premium crypto wear provider of the modern world" well, soon You're competing with Vistaprint's 5.99 t-shirt prices so you may have to make the product look a bit better than they do.
As it stands, cryptoscloset just looks like another "add your logo to a shirt" site, but with higher prices and pre-selected logos, their products can look cheap because they are, yours need a little more razzle-dazzle to get the sale.