Everyone, these are great ideas and an excellent start.
PEACEOFWAR, I would like to hear more about:
"We should also make sure that everyone has a way and understanding of how to get dnotecoins even on lower end machines"
What was your experience and how can we achieve this goal?
I know while even talking to people at work many are not willing to try to mine for example due to having 8 year old machines (where the power use alone can be pretty bad and might need weeks to generate something) and of course we are so early we can't really say the dnotes are worth X amount to break even or gain profit for time tried on any given machine. Not to mention configuration is confusing (you were able to help me out with the GUIminer-scrypt alpha) but there is not much documentation out there yet on how to get going. For example most sites have config on them something like this
STRATUM: stratum+tcp://dnotespool.com
PORT: 8333
Username: Weblogin.Worker
Password: Worker Password
but that never worked since the miners don't know how to do anything with the "stratum+tcp" in the host name - and even when I got a few of the readily available download links on the pooling websites did not work properly (even when I got them going at all they were glitched showing 100s of Mhash/S.) I did not know it was a glitch until I noticed no dnotes being earned after a couple of days and reached out to you, and you were very helpful and worked with me to get the Guiminer alpha working properly at 255Khash/s in the end. I know it's a new system early adoption so I am worried how average people might get overwhelmed with the process or not even know they are doing it wrong or the system is not registering. (btw I am assuming you are same person from the dnotescoin.com email support) :-D
For example at first I thought the Blocks were just at a difficult point already so I did not worry about not getting credit and there is no warning about anything being out of bounds. If you look at other crypto currency's like bitcoins they are up to like a year now before anything is generated. So had I not reached out when I did I could have wasted weeks thinking the Mhash/s was doing anything (and I did not know that number is only generated by server farms)
I live and work in the IT industry so I can only imagine someone off the street trying same process, some people even to this day might not know if it's not working right, since there are no count down timers yet on the pooling websites (Idea I just came up with while typing out these ideas
- count down timers to payouts or obvious 'if you don't get credit in XX:XX you might have a setting wrong' type of widdget might help avoid some poor guy mining at "200+ 'Mhash' (never knowing that is not possible on a personal computer) and if that poor soul thinks it is just weeks away from him making a coin.... it could upset someone to waste days/weeks of energy.
Hope this helps :-) again you have been very helpful. I know we are just getting going and I am sure other cryptocurrency systems most likely have had similar confusion at some point.