That was fast!! Good work, raven.
what is the involvement of Maieuticoin, MMXIV, BALLS, and 10k coin with gorilla bucks? I know they were all created by the same dev, I was on board for the 10k experiment until I realized how out of control 10k would get. But my main question is, I navigate to the gorilla site, and the next bitcointalk link takes my to MMXIV which isn't even being used, AFAIK. I'm a little confused. Introduce me to how this all wraps up together please, maybe a brief history since the 10k experiment will enlighten me/us.
Ok let me explain. he original developer left EnergyCoin and the BlockChain was stuck. I asked manny developer of coins I followd for help and iGotSpot offerd his help with cloudstaking and listing on het exchange. He also give me tips and hinds how to move the blockchain foreword. IGotSpots is very enthousastick about PoS coins and het experiment a lot to see what are the boudaries of the software. So yes IGotSpots is a partner and he offerd me extra platform to show EnergyCoin and yesterday I posted the blog with the slides of my persentation.
Some other PoS coins I have intrest in to cooperate with are or where:
GAIA but the never respont again after some time.
STK is nearly dead but I try to see if a can bring ik back to live
MNE lost my intrest month ago
HyperStake learned a lot about how PoS coins work and I copied "setstakesplitthreshold"feature into EmergyCoin.
setstakesplitthreshold is very usefull feature is you have a big wallet staking a lot, it prevents fragmentation and you get more PoS-reward.
I olso have plans to link EnergyCoin on Geo-locations and ask people giving information about that location or dioing a special task. That was my first idea when I came into cryptocurencie and others created a special not PoS coins for that idea like CheckCoin en GeoCoin. I follow GeoCoin but not realy contributing how that to build in application. That is in my mind and I have really big plans with that.
The picture below shows what i have in mind. I extracted all the treecrown projections of tree in The Netherlands check
www.Boomrigister.nlSo my focus is Smart Communities and you OC communitie survieved just like EnergyCoin and working together is posible imo.