So basically, you are looking for a basket of energy efficient coins to aid in cloud staking.
No it is not about cloud staking.
I work with the developer of "Internet of Coins" and each coin can have an ecosystem and a small or large community.
With IoC P2P exchange these coins are connected and you can always pay with your multicurrency wallet no matter what coin is accepted.
The basked I have in mind is mostly filled with energy-efficient currencies but also with some not enviriomental frindly BTC in the beginning.
We want to make it very easy for not crypto-people using this wallet and EnergyCoin I want as key-currency.
In Arnhem Bitcoincity we want to start this project and develop this IoC there as a start.
Many shops and bars accept Bitcoin but we go redistribute EnergyCoin and want that people can pay with EnergyCoin.
The currend value is not very serious but we want to start crowdfunding for the EnergyCoinCounter (now named Totum Energy Monitor).
Tweak this device so it can be connected with a webwallet and with the webwallet you can pay in shops.
People can buy this EnergyCoinCounter from EnergyCoin Cooperation by donating 35$ and get then 650 ENRG in return.
With 600 we deliver the EnergyCoinCounter when it is finished and tested. We need to sell 50000 devices.
If the excange rate of EnergyCoin is abouve 20k Satoshi people pay less then 600 ENRG and can keep the rest.
On Bittrex ther is only 5M ENRG avaleble for 17k $ to reach 20k Satoshi so it is posible and if the investors agreed with this crowdfunding it is fir sure a succes!
i like the sample idea for geo data. is there a project behind that idea already or just a show case? is a real project but they not started yet with my idea of cryptocurrency implementation.
First we need to creat real value for EnergyCoin and then we can develop this easy.
Each tree is in the database a we just link a wallet to each tree then and the fieldmining can start.
The validation can be done in the same way as normal mining. If you provide wrong information you will be banned.
We can watch all the trees on very detail airial photo's in 3D so if you send fake movies/pictures/information we can see that and warn you.
This project I also want to start in Arnhem Green city.
Just ask me for more detail I am very open and not afraid that others copy my ideas.
From questions I learn and make my plan better.