awais3344, as per my config posted earlier, if your firewall (assuming Windows) is open to whatever port on the PC/server running the wallet qt software (in my case IP, port 7998), and all your miners (i have limited working miners to IP range 192.168.1.* only) are configured to (assuming cgminer) "cgminer --scrypt -0 -u solo -p x"
It should work fine
unfortunately, that did not work. still same, it wont connect. I just noticed none of the wallets are able to solo mine on this pc. All my other pcs work fine. And I am clueless
The config you gave is missing the http:// before your local IP. If you used that exact script to try and solo mine I believe that could be your problem. I think you would want to:
"cgminer --scrypt -u solo -p x -o"
You can then pass other values behind that depending on your GPU and what it's capable of. Another example and don't use these settings as they're embarassingly weak because of the pitiful Radeon HD 7450 I have been learning with, but this is exactly how I'd call it:
cgminer --scrypt -u solo -p x -o --gpu-platform 0 -d 0 -w 64 -v 1 -I 11 -g 1 -l 1 --thread-concurrency 1028"
If that doesn't work, you might try getting the GUI Scrypt Miner and then inputting the settings into there, then going and finding the Windows Batch file that it creates, you can execute that through command line and see a much more detailed account of what's going on.