1..........it's useful to be careful about falling into the "Vincent's Vision" trap. (This, incidentally, is a nice advantage that Namecoin's community has over Bitcoin's -- "Vincent's Vision" is generally only used as the punchline of jokes, whereas the cult of personality surrounding Satoshi is not healthy, to put it mildly.
2...........the Namecoin community likes new ideas that are technically sound, and we don't evaluate technical soundness in terms of anything Vince wrote.
3....I think an argument could *maybe* be made that Vince's ........meant that he intended it to compete with Bitcoin (at least in some sense, e.g. competing for hashrate).
4.......and we're not going to undo that, just like we're not going to compete with Bitcoin in any other way....
1) See number 3 below
2) You have driven away most namecoin supporters by pretending you are "the namecoin community".
3) Vinced was a bountyhunter not a visionary. But if Satoshi can be George Washington then sure, let's make vinced Thomas Jefferson. Make him spiritual advisor to the pope, give him a billion dollar yacht, an 11 inch dick and use a ouiji board to communicate with him.
4) Who is not going to compete with bitcoin? The namecoin community?
Namecoin is experimental software created for a payment. It's main improvement since it began is additional software created by domob. Numerous other people have sounded out creating more functionality, but "the namecoin community", both of you, or however many there are, shut them down.
What is your motive?
Are there any people willing to take a side on the issue?
Both sides have been represented from the beginning, but recently only one side is represented by devs.
Side 1 // devs //
Namecoin should not compete with bitcoin. Number of users is not important. Value of the coin is irrelevant to followers of the ethos, and those interested in the value of the coin should be discouraged.
/includes or parallels the belief that the 'main' internet should be centralized, and decentralized internets should not compete with the centralized one.
Side 2 // dissidents //
A widely used coin would attract more developers who would add features that could be useful in a decentralized internet such as internet over shortwave, and other things.
The main political factor is the simple reality that the West cannot compete with China's centralized economy. Many people believe that Europe is being led into a 'permanent war footing' that will allow more authoritarian measures soon to make the economy more competitive. Once that process reaches a certain stage software like namecoin could be restricted.
Is anybody willing to say they prefer one side or the other? Or to correct me if I misrepresented either side?