Why Namecoin don't have a working proxy in web, like anonymizer-sites
or his own public DNS servers for resolving .bit domains?
If it DNS-servers are exists, why no any IP addresses in block explorer and on the official site?
If proxy or anonymizers are exists, where I can see the source code to do it myself?
I did register a .bit domain name, and cann't get resolving this IP.
I using this manual
https://wiki.namecoin.org/index.php?title=How_to_browse_.bit_domainsand I have installed Google Chrome extension dotbitme-bit-web-surfer.
I see JSON string with IP in the ".bit Domains" tab,
when enter my domain name, press check button, and then Info button.
But .bit domain not opening in "Surf .bit" tab.
Also, I cann't get resolving domain using nslookup with OpenNIC servers:
>nslookup my_random_domain_name.bit OpenNIC_Public_DNS_IP
*** UnKnown can't find my_random_domain_name.bit: Non-existent domain
Can anyone help? I have 9 confirmation of Name_firstupdate transaction.
611 Coin (SixEleven) working good. Will try to using Emercoin...