Aaron Swartzs are often times killed or driven to the grave by their governments, because they feel protected by their good intentions, they were raised with the belief "you do not attack good intentions", but do not understand that many people who seek government jobs are raised more with the ideal "you do not attack power".
Very true
I think most people do not want to attack "good", not out of education or belief but because of how it feels. To materialists everything is relative (except for their belief in materialism), to them good and evil are relative, but feelings and emotions are ultimately the drive behind every of our actions and shape everything that we experience, they are what is most real, and so the ideal of goodness is not merely a belief, it is something more. To pursue good is not an empty quest, it is profoundly worth it and no rationalization could ever change that.
And most people pursue "good", both the Swartzs and the people seeking government jobs, but the latter have been indoctrinated into associating power with good. They are both pursuing the same goal but the latter ones have been blinded by their education, that has ingrained into their mind that believing in the authority is good, and then Aaron Swartzs are singled out as threats to what they believe is good. But their belief is an artificial one, imposed upon them by those who seek control and power to have safety, by those who think about themselves before thinking about others. And those are afraid to let go of that control ultimately because they fear others. And it is fear that drives evil which drives more fear in an endless self-reinforcing circle.
And if decentralization allows to break that circle, by forcing those in power to let go of their control, by showing the world that we are all inherently after the same thing, that no great catastrophe will come from allowing every individual to be free, that the will for good is more powerful than evil, that there is more good in each and everyone of us than we tend to think, then good will self-reinforce rather than fear and then we all win.