Thanks bitpop I have been aware of duckduckgo for sometime due to isohunt but was wondering on the mechanism they use and if cryptography based search engines could be created to apply to data. I was thinking more along the lines of cryptoparty on a larger scale instead using the blockchain as a web crawler and anonymizing the data through the blockchain as coded inputs that people could use to access web sites.
Namecoin is capable of being a decentralized domain system the application to search engines seems like a plausible extension of the software of course I am not sure if that is possible which is why I requested input
The applicability of such an idea is what I am curious about is it?
"A CryptoParty educates people in the domain of cryptography. It's usually about the basics: how to send encrypted email, how to protect your hardware and how to use free and open source software,"
CryptoParties started in August 2012 by an Australian woman (who goes by the pseudonym Asher Wolf) after a conversation on Twitter about The Australian Parliament's new cybercrime bill that allowed law enforcement to ask Internet Service Providers to monitor and store data.
Attending a CryptoParty is a good way to learn how to overcome government snooping legally.
“Citizens should use encryption to safeguard their private communications against both corporations and the government. Encryption is one of the best ways to react to CMS along with increased civic vigilance and democratic questioning of our government and parliamentarians,” says Pranesh Prakash, policy director, CIS, and one of the frontrunners in the fight to formulate a policy to safeguard privacy in India.