Bill, ever heard of libel? How is it possible that my fork BROKE your dumb-ass chain when your chain was forking before I ever even investigated PAC? Go look at the explorer logs, it was broken LONG, LONG, LONG before I ever submitted a patch (a working f*ing patch for that matter) to try and help out with your broken-ass coin.
Your acceptance logic isn't based on height which means it's broken because it can rewind. It can rewind, mainly, by old, large wallets that have a lot of stake -- who has that? I sure as hell don't I was mining the damn coin when I noticed my transactions missing.
If you want to claim I broke the coin -- like you are -- go for it. Look up the definition of libel and considered the bullshit you're spewing next time. Nothing you've said is even remotely accurate regarding your own damn code base yet no one has every said anything to dispute any of the evidence (that's what truth is based on...) I posted publicly.
It is supposed to rewind when you have two blocks with the same blockheight, one is a mined block and one is a proof of stake block, it is supposed to give preference to proof of stake, that is why the mining is mostly orphans now. If you get a block mining, good. But the reason is mining should be not be encouraged, rather you should buy your coins on the exchanges and let them stake.
your version keeps both on a fork and therefore the users mine coins that are worthless.
libel is when you make a false statement about someone, please show me where I made a false statement.
1) Your chain rewinds over PoS transactions -- so what you said makes no sense. It also rewinds several hundred blocks. If PoW was internally supposed to be discarded, then it should be removed from the code. Right now your chain forks constantly due to conflicts. My change lets trust win as long as the height is higher so multiple blocks on the same height would select the higher of the two (aka. PoS) but keep the chain from rewinding when a backwards PoS block comes in. Aka. stop rewinds and fix the coin.
2) You said my fork broke your chain -- in writing -- that's 100% verifiably false. Your chain -- as you claim is by intention -- was doing EXACTLY what it's still doing long before my "fork" ever existed. You just said it's designed to do that, so how is it possible that my fork broke it? That was accurate and truthful statement? Don't think so -- blatantly false. Don't blame your broken chain on me, I tried to fix it.
p.s. Research libel per se -- some good stuff in there. Keep blaming me and you can find out all about it. Pick your battles Bill... this is the wrong one, I promise you that.