Can a Seasonic X-850 850W 80Plus Gold suit for 2 OC Ant-S1?
I wouldn't do it. An OC S1 uses somewhere around 500w
I call that misleading information.
A stock AntMiner uses around 320W DC power from the PSU, so that Seasonic is perfectly suitable for the job.
I have 2 on a Corsair AX860i and they use exactly 700W from the wall, which equals around 640W from the PSU.
I also have others on a Corsair CX600M using 380W from the wall, which again equals around 320W DC power.
380W from the wall would need a 475W 80% rated PSU
Dude, you are wrong. PSUs don't work the way you think they do. They take AC from the wall and then convert it to DC with losses (mainly heat). So 380W from the wall is LESS from the PSU.
Please stop posting misleading information.
Thanks for correcting me...looks like I got my math wrong.
The equation goes something like this:
[PSU size] + losses = [Power at wall]
where losses = [PSU size] - ( [PSU size] * [PSU rating] )
Isolating [PSU size] leaves:
[PSU size] = [Power at wall] / ( 2 - [PSU rating] )
Solving for [PSU size] gives:
[PSU size] = 380W / ( 2 - 0.80 )
[PSU size] = 317W
In the original form: 317W + 63W = 380W
Thanks again for correcting me...looks like I will need a lot less PSU's than I thought.
Now you guys got me wondering how many ants I can put on one 15A breaker.