As far as I understand, it sounds like the dollars are still there, just frozen because they're fraudulent.
I'm not privy to any extra information, but as I understood it Andre pretty much told us that the dollars were gone.
My understanding is that the dollars are a completely separate issue to the coins, as the path for getting the money back is through the Australian court and/or by registering yourself as a debtor. There is also other procedures to help people find lost money.
By sitting on them, you're essentially making or losing people money, as some people have them as investments. Currently its fine because youre making people money. Would you still be doing what you're doing if it fell to $2 again though? I suggest you seek legal advice somehow, or just bite the bullet and divide them to who you know needs to be owed.
Given the recent price rises it would be possible to pay everyone back a much higher percentage of what they're owed than I previously calculated.
My suggestion (Assuming you have enough bitcoins): For each account, get the bitcoin address that deposited the coins (if available), and use the last known balance to deposit back into that address. If there's coins left over then you're still where you are now, but with hopefully so few it doesn't really matter.
I have exactly the amount of bitcoins that are owed to WBX clients, and none of the dollars. I can pay back all the coin holders in full, so long as the dollar holders are happy to lose all their dollars. I doubt that's the case. I expect there are some bitcoin holders who never deposited, and only ever obtained their bitcoins by exchanging for dollars on the site, although I've not checked that.
Even if I could find an address for each bitcoin holder, it's not safe to assume that (a) they owned the address that was used to deposit (they could have deposited directly from mtgox, say) or (b) they still controll it now (perhaps they made a new wallet on a new computer, transferred over their balance, and deleted the old wallet).
What needs to happen is for Andre to respond to my attempts to contact him with clear details of exactly what dollar transactions did and didn't really happen. I have the WBX database, but it includes dollar withdrawals that were never actually put through his bank account, and doesn't include dollar deposits which did actually arrive in his bank account. Without knowing the details of these I can't divide up the bitcoins correctly (although I can probably get reasonably close).