Recently they have partnered with Accuracy, Acurracy is a financial consulting firm. It was created in November 2004 by a team of Arthur Andersen.
This shows that the PCL team is serious about this project and they are being advised by a real company that has offices in ten countries around the world.
I second this. It's interesting that they are pretty vocal (in a sense) on their newsletter, but don't really have any updates anywhere else. These newsletter updates seemingly come out of nowhere. Then, about 1-2 days later, they post it on telegram. They really want people to get over to Reddit it seems.
Absolutely... Telegram is nice for chatting, but for announcements, info´s, updates and stuff it´s useless as you have to repeat all the posts over & over again (usual Telegram-users do not scroll up the last hour(s)... r/Peculium is the place to be in future for those who want to be up-to-date ...!
Reddit is also clearly arranged, you see all recent announcements immediately (i.e. sticky threads) and the search is working very good.
I think Reddit is the go-to for all crypto coins.
I think the same, so the whole team does... that is why we want to move there in future in order to collect all announcements, FAQ´s, articles, news & stuff...
Should be going well... started "the move" a week ago and already rose from 25 to 300 readers since... Would be nice to see most of you guys over there as I am not sure how good we will update the Bitcointalk-ANNs in future...!
I am personally a lot more active on here than on reddit, I just don't like the structure. I think it will be our duty as community to post updates on here and keep this thread alive with discussions and news updates. Perhaps the team could make these announcements on medium, which is a great platform for weekly/monthly updates and special announcements.
correct, even for the fact that they wanting to have a big community on reddit, they should not forget that there is also a big community here in the forum. waiting for their updates. they may update on reddit or medium, at least drop the link here, it is not that too much to ask, isnt it?