Thank you
We would thank all of the voters for being so active. In less than 7 days we managed it to receive the needed 250 votes for getting listened on novaexchange. If you check the other coins for voteing you will notice, that some other coins are there for voteing since severall weeks and still don't have the needed 250 votes.
I think we managed to create a strong community. We also understand that there are dumpers, that's why we decided to have a long coin distribution phase and not a single "airdop event". Early dumpers might regret it as soon as future phases are getting closer. We think that initial dumping will get a bit stronger, because currently not all people have noticed that we have been listened on our first exchange.
Again i would like to thank every single voter/supporter/signature campaign participant and "other" community members: We are creating something which will grow. It will grow rather slowly instead of fast, but just imagine if you are early supporter and we are going to sky rocket later, just saying no promises just an idea
Weekly payouts have been started, i will give picoinsupport the needed instructions about autopayment interface so we both can put all the needed users informations there.
Again we would like to ask the community: What to do about the OSMIUMCOIN wallet supporters? We still have not figured out how many PI there should be for people who invested BTC even before we have had working windows wallet.
Should we payout a 2. "pool of PI" making signature campaign distribution "shorter" a bit OR should we take some PI from the signature campaign and pay it direct to the early BTC investors? I think this kind of invest should be rewarded and we did not forget about it.
I only can say it again... This community is awesome!! =)=)
I think if we had to choose from those options it would be to make the signature campaign shorter. But you have to realize that even people who invested before a windows wallet still can buy incredibly cheap picoin right now. Once the signature campaign ends, the rate that picoin is received is going to drop significantly. Personally I would maybe reward people who are here now and willing to buy coins and put them aside with some sort of masternode system. I think if we add a masternode system, the people who are early investors (which is all of us still) will be rewarded aptly for taking risk.