The whole point of multi-coin-mining and auto-exchange is convenience, but I have the feeling the entire process is loaded with tiny fees that all stack up to a huge cost. And maybe, in a cost benefit analysis, has far more cost than benefit.
You pay less fees on the pool as the pool sends all our coins together. They are not real wallets; it's one wallet.
So let's consider an exchange that has mined coins from 20 different accounts. And let's say that there is a $10 exchange fee tha tis applied to the total exchange. So that fee could be paid by the pool owner, or it could be divided equally to the 20 accounts (which would be $0.50 per account), or it could be divided proportionally by how many coins you had in the exchange, or it could be a combination of these. I think the owner of zpool recently implied that he pays all exchange fees. If that's the case, it should be shown PROMINATLY in the FAQ for zpool. But even so, that isn't necessarily the case for MPH unless it is posted somewhere.
It's a none issue, setup one account at MiningPoolHub and the coins will be sent to one of the three exchanges (Bittrex, Yobit or Poloniex) then returned to the pool. How could you do it any different yourself?
Set the auto exchange on or off depending if you want to invest in that coin or not:
There is a single 0.2% fee to cover the transactions (both to and from the pool).
The coins that are sent and received are shown on your transactions: