i re-checked the other day for a new Jackpot Coin pool address..
because i am in Western Canada but have been using the USA-East address.
is there a better address ? closer ?
i had waaay back fired up my cmd prompt and pinged all the addresses and picked the lowest one.
the pool site says there is like 3 i think ?
first i had to use a tool to get the IP address from the miner config / bat i am using..
i used this link..
http://www.ip-address.org/lookup/ip-locator.php?track=us-east1.jackpotcoin.miningpoolhub.comi right clicked in a blank area in any windows folder while holding the shift key down..
then selected "Open command window here"
then typed in cmd then hit enter
then typed out the following..
and hit enter
So i just tried that now and i got 100% loss.. no response to pings now.
i thought it did way back when i last tried (not long after you added JPC to the pool)
and i thought the ping stats i got way back were typical for pools and pretty low.. not bad anyway
but i have been getting *brief occasional little connection error msg's lately eh.. i think the last week or so.
i have retry set to 15 seconds on my CPU miner mod i use..
and i see one connection error msg and then it keeps mining ok randomly
so what ya think ? is there a west usa address to use ?
Well, we don't provide west usa address yet.
We sometimes shut down and restart the pool time to time to change settings or fix internal bugs.
I think connection problem occurred at that time.
Recently, as we have launched several new features and auto switching port, we restarted two or three times.
We tried to minimize the down time like 1 or 2 seconds, but it may show connection error on miner.
Actually ping doesn't matter on mining these days though. When we (and almost all pool operators) ran python-stratum-mining module for server, it didn't transfer new block info to miners that fast because it was using twistd python module which is heavy to use.
But now we are using node.js based lightweight stratum server, new block info is sent much faster than before.
US east and west would make very little difference on network latency too.
Oh, one more. We haven't opened ping response.
I thing you have tried ping to jackpotcoin.miningpoolhub.com not us-east1.jackpotcoin.miningpoolhub.com