Unofficial translation of ESN Foundation announcement
original post: (written in Korean)
unofficial translation (using papago with some manual fixes by @hackyminer (aka ethminer at discord)
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Ddengle & ESN steering committee inform the official launch of the ESN Foundation.
It's been more than a month since we started working as the official management organization of Dangle community & ESN Foundation,
but we're belatedly greeting to the Ddengle community and ESN supporters.
First of all, we'd like to report on the work that has been or going on by the Ddengle & ESN steering committee for the past month or so.
== Ddengle Community ==
1. Take over the whole site from the twin-dad (@Magnalucus at discord) - (site server transferred successfully / trademark transfer, etc. - in progress)
2. divide the work among the steering committee, Division of Business / community operation.
3. Renew existing contracts and sign new contracts as a result of contract subject change - advertising, business place, operation agent, etc.
4. Improving the performance of the website, adding bugfixes, and new features - In progress
5. Strengthening community management
== Ethersocial Network(ESN) segment ==
1. Take over the ESN from Geminis.
- transfer all issuance of Genesis alloc. (premine), all remaining 36 million ESN out of 49 million ESN has been transferred.
- donate development servers provided by Geminis for external developers with no charge - Transfer to the ESN Steering committee Office.
2. Improve the Content Incentive System for the Ddengle Site - In Progress
3. 30% ESN discount promotion and ESN proxy driving app. release – all profits will be attributed to the ESN Steering Committee when the @lionsmany committee director transfers his business to the ESN Steering Committee.
4. meet up with external developers.
- all ESN foundation committee and community developers @turbobit, @Topmining @Combba and @ethminer, finally have a meaningful meeting offline for the first time.
We will continue to communicate for future ESN developments and will be the mainstay of ESN's strong development.
ESN Foundation steering committee.