I've been trying to keep on top of a lot of stuff. It seems coinmarketcap.com is showing ? again meaning it can't poll for the coin count. I am putting something up to resolve this once and for all :-) BitParticle Forum may go up/down a few times when I reload web server and it may be a little slow for a bit as I load the blockchain into a database.
I have been flooded with emails/pm's/contact forms... it is best if you can funnel all of that into forum.bitparticle.com so I have one place to keep track of everything and get to it as I have time. If you sent me messages, I'm not ignoring you just have ton of them
It would be great if someone could work on an Android wallet in parallel. You can get bitcoinwallet code on github to adapt for Particle. The Particle address version/pubkey prefix is 56, or 0x38. If not, I'll get to it eventually after the new wallet and the app repository...
Snotty is good at android development, and I'd like to learn and help too!
btw, After I met many problems compiling bic and ltc wallet, particle wallet is compiled very successfully on my ubuntu!
So,can you ask Snotty to help moon to do a android Wallet?
Unfortunately, I don't think I could do it. I do some Android programming, but nothing as advanced as crypto wallets (I'm not sure how hard it is, actually, maybe doable, but I still wouldn't want to do an amateurish work on something that relates to money of other people). It would be better to have someone, who already has experience in this field.