i am studding relativity right now. please come and tell me about math being DEFINITELY not science...
If you have a real thought, you can elaborate it and share it with the class. There's lots of explanations for why math is not science all over the intarwebs, you can go look yourself. I'm not hijacking this thread with a philosophical discussion, I just wanted to make a point that I see math being called a science a lot lately, and it isn't. It's nice for you that you are just now studying relativity. If you want to play the "appeal to authority game" to justify an argument, that's a pretty un-mathy thing to do.
I don't really care about the definition much, but what irks me is why math people (and people who suck at math but still post Neil Degrasse Tyson pics and say "science is cool, lolz") get offended about their maths being called "not science", but then don't have a solid and accurate definition of science on hand to justify why math is a science. This is especially funny when math is all about rigorous definitions, so it should be easy for them. It's relation to science is that it is used to describe scientific concepts, like a language.
Why do math people want math to be science, anyway? It isn't. That's not bad, better, or worse. It just is. Why is this a problem? Why is this offensive? If you are a mathematician, you can be proud of it. Math is used for lots of things, including modeling a lot of scientific things. But it isn't, in itself, science.