2014-03-18 15:24:30,137 DEBUG mining # Worker invalid percent: 100.00 stox.worker_rie1 STILL BANNED!
What does banning do? Will this worker be unbanned if it submits a valid share? Most workers will be banned, 95% of shares submitted are deemed invalid by stratum-mining.
you should get people to use the latest miner, I had 99%+ accepted (testnet)
I don't know how unbanning works, that's a question for ahmed_bodi I guess, but I can investigate.
You have these settings in config.py
# ******************** Worker Ban Options *********************
ENABLE_WORKER_BANNING = True # Enable/disable temporary worker banning
WORKER_CACHE_TIME = 600 # How long the worker stats cache is good before we check and refresh
WORKER_BAN_TIME = 300 # How long we temporarily ban worker
INVALID_SHARES_PERCENT = 50 # Allow average invalid shares vary this % before we ban
so I guess with default settings they will be unbanned after 300 seconds?