Well you campaigned very strongly for adding dilution to BTSX was my point.
No I don't like the inflation model of Sparkle at all, but yes I prefer it to undefined dilution.
OK, so asking the question - "Should I consider, running a delegate" is a strong campaign?
Sure it was
, counting the people that promised to vote for me just for shutting up.
Who's got
undefined dilution, by your criteria?
BTC dilution can change also, you know... but generally 'undefined' is a very personal definition of yours, I hope you realize it.
Back to to Rand Paul Coin:
I should have invested more, far more in it. But I do not touch Crypti anymore.
Hope ( for selfish reasons) RPCD does not start way too high, so I can take the position I like.
Yes BTS is undefined. If there is a merger opportunity or a great sharedrop programme it can change.
As BTS is marketed as a
crypto-equity, it uses shares and is a competitive DAC, it's a question of how much value the move has.
Bitcoin is a
crypto-currency that follows a clearly defined supply curve and is marketed as a crypto-currency.
RonPaulMoney would be a 1 million unit, no inflation ever,
crypto-money or crypto-currency so they really are locked in.
So I would say Bitcoin <1% of changing dilution. RPM <0.01% once it starts. BitShares >20%.
Glad you are looking at RPCD. I find you can be quite rude but I like debates, so I don't mind arguing the points. The dev seems ok with it too.
Regards your psychology of thinking the peg will hold because the majority know that if too many of them constantly went to far below the peg it would damage the value as a whole, is not how it works in practice.
Animals wouldn't be extinct, rainforests wiped out, if humans acted for the collective good of the system. They all act in their individual short term interest. That's why we have limits on the damage individuals can do because we don't collectively act in the best interest of a system. The same is true of Bitcoin. If there's slightly more individual gain to be made joining a big pool, many will do it, even if it over-centralises Bitcoin and effects it's value. Individuals do it as they know if they don't take advantage of the edge someone else will anyway.
So shorts need to be limited somewhere around a price feed as if it's in their individual interest to get that short position, they're not going to avoid it for the collective good of the system. Otherwise you have a wide peg that repeatedly damages the entire value of the system when it stays too far from 1-1 for too long. Consumers want a very tight peg as well.
As I predicted before trading started, which caused BitShare initial fall.
I think lots of people will be willing to short BitUSD, not a lot willing to go long at the start.
Might make BitUSD price trade too far below peg. But this will hurt BTSX price causing the situation to correct itself...
Seems like it may need interest rates if you really want to keep it at 1-1. Because a short may be willing to short BitUSD and pay X% interest to entice a long to trade.
You lost me here...why this will hurt BTSX price? If a lot of people go short bitusd, wouldn't bitusd fall relatively to BTSX price. Therefore BTSX will rise and will be worth more bitsud..
I think a lot of people are hoping BitUSD may track USD fairly close to 1-1 most of the time.
However because people are so bullish on BTSX and shorting BTSX lets you take a leveraged position on BTSX. BTSX bulls may be willing to short still at $0.70, this trading range will be so far from the peg that it could damage the credibility of the peg. This could make people sell BTSX. This will mean less BTSX bulls willing to short below the peg and the situation will correct itself.
I don't mind a BitUSD like that but it might not appeal as much to retailers and savers.
It seems to make it stable you should introduce free market interest rates.
Then you still short 1-1 but when most people are bulls like now you will pay a higher interest rate to short BitUSD as opposed to shorting very far below the peg.
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=7416.msg99541#msg99541Arguing in this thread is fine.
I see RPCD having a few routes to take as far as innovation. Implementing an improved bitassets would be an interesting experiment. I am also interested in keeping assets stable.
What about having to cover your positions every 30 days? Is this useful with game-theory approach?
Gold and Silver assets should be in grams. This means 1 RandPaulGold would be 1 gram. People like their ounces but an ounce of gold is prohibitively expensive. With grams we readily have the metric system and can rain 50mg nuggets of gold for example.
Tell me if my thoughts seem mistaken.
It seems assets could be named paulGold and paulSilver. Maybe PaulGold an PaulSilver.
A gram of Gold is approximately $50
An oz of Silver is approximately $18 with a like a gram of silver being equivalent to a 50 cent piece.
Going with grams as the amount seems prudent although a Silver oz would be nice.
Tough one on the units. The world still uses Oz mostly for both imo but a lot of places work more in grams, e.g India. Places like GoldMoney too. Grams for gold and Oz for silver could work though. I think we'll move more to grams as they increase in value imo. Not Sure.
Also imo the brand power if you went for 'RonPaulMoney' is contained in the words 'RonPaul' vs. just Paul or Ron. So I would call them RonPaulGold and RonPaulSilver myself. If you went just RonGold or PaulGold, I would make the logo clearly show/represent Ron Paul. (Same holds true with a Rand Paul Brand, try keep the full name for advertising purposes even if exchanges need to shorten it.)
This is just an idea, not sure about it. I was thinking crypto-currencies use 'coins' eg. LiteCoins
Crypto-equities use 'shares' eg. BitShares.
What if it a crypto-money uses 'ounces'
So there would be 1 million Oz of Ron Paul Money. It sounds substantial to own an Oz of RonPaulMoney, especially as there will only ever be a million. (If that's the starting amount you decide on.)
When you think of the demographic of Ron Paul supporters BitShares is specifically looking to target. Will they prefer BitGold backed by shares of BitShares or will they prefer RonPaulGold backed by no inflation ever, ounces of RonPaulMoney. Meh, coins might be better. Was just an idea.