So rand has 1 million coins out yet RPC has only about 200k so how will you do a swap for 50%?
Or are you planing to eliminate the whole 2 million future total coins for RPC?
Another question is what will happen to RPC and Rand, will one replace the other so only one will exist?
If so which one and what will the inflation/deflation be and also total [real] Max hard cap?
Thank you!
Everything is scaled proportionally.
For example - If there were only 10 RPC, and we are creating 1 million coins. First RPC gets 50% of the final allocation or 500k coins. Then 500k / 10 RPC = 50k or each RPC coin would give you 50k coins.
RPC will continue producing coins, but once the snapshot is taken they will no longer directly impact RPCD. Think of snapshot as in a snapshot of the blockchain.
The 2 projects are independent. We are utilizing RPC to generate the distribution. This is how POS coins avoid accusations of premine, by sharedropping onto existing coins that weren't premined.
RPCD will have a max hard cap of 1,000,000 coins. I think keeping it simple works, although it could just as well have been 2,000,000,000.
I have not figured out the deflation rate. I want to make it significant enough to pay the 13 original delegates a minimal amount to insure participation. It will be in the form of burned transaction fees. This is how Bitshares X was before they turned to inflation to finance the development we will be using. So transaction fees pay the 13 delegates (analagous to miners).
UpdateOk, I have an understanding how to do the snapshot. It is actually easier than I thought it would be. I'll be setting it up today and creating the initial snapshots. I've found a good support site without bothering Bitshares.
We'll have a few unofficial snapshots for the testnets so people can start playing around before cryptsy issue is resolved.