Welcome CryptoJohn you're in the right place. Saw you over in DGB. This is the only other coin I hold and have from day one virtually. We are unbelievably lucky to have the group of people that we have here behind the scenes and in the community...can't begin to thank them enough for everything they've done!
Hey whats happening. I've been here since the beginning as well, I remember Silk @ 3000 sats standing by for takeoff. I was pushing hard in the troll box from 1800 and kept buy support to 3000 then we flopped
Much thanks to SLievensDRKSLK and all those contributing now.
Would love someones minerd bat file for DarkSilk, I could throw some cpu cycles at it to help support the testing.
I am a bit confused about DarkS. Is Silk going to still exist after the Dark launch and if so will the swap coins be burnt?
Hi John,
In regards to minerd, you really don't need a bat file. It is not like GPU mining and doesn't need much tweaking or configuration. Really, the only tweaking you can do is the number of threads ( " -t # " parameter/argument ) and the speed ( " -s # " parameter/argument) that it displays output information at.
First, the "-t" parameter/argument tells minerd how many CPU threads to use. For example, I run "-t 1" when I am using the computer and switch to "-t 4" so there is two threads per core while I am away from the computer. I have read that two threads per core is optimal.
Second, the "-s" parameter tells minerd how often you want it to display the informational output. Don't confuse "speed" with "hashing speed". In this case "speed" is only referring to "informational output speed". For example, " -s 5 " will tell minerd to display the information output every 5 seconds. I use 60.
What I do is create a shortcut to the minerd.exe on my desktop or wherever. Then right-click the shortcut and select properties. On the "Shortcut" tab of properties dialog window, modify the "Target:" field. Leave the "C:\Users\UserJohn\BlahBlah\cpuminerBlah\minerd.exe" in the field and add all of the following:
- " -a scrypt " - by default it will use SHA256 so, let's tell it to use scrypt algo.
- " -s 60 " - Speed to output informational stats.
- " -t 4 " - Number of threads to mine with.
- " -o localhost:31500 " - (lower case o, as in "out") Host IP of the wallet. (In this case, localhost. This might be if you are mining from a different computer than the computer that is running the wallet.) : Port wallet can be found at. rpcport in your config file.
- " -O RPCUserSpecifiedInYourConf:RPCPasswordSpecifiedInYourConf " - (Upper case O, as in "Ohio") rpcuser and rpcpassord in your config file.
So, an example of the text contained in the "Target:" field might look like this:
C:\Users\John\Downloads\cpuminer\minerd.exe -a scrypt -s 60 -t 4 -o localhost:31500 -O John:JohnPassword
And click OK or apply. Launch the shortcut. If you see it output telling you the speed at which it is hashing at ("thread 0: #### hashes, #.## khash/s), it is mining.
If you did want a bat file, it would only contain that same command. Unless you wanted to add "color 02" on a line prior to the command to make it green.
Hope this helps John!
Sorry to keep you waiting for help with minerd. I was away or would have responded sooner. If you run into a problem, don't hesitate to post it here or message me.