Unless I'm an idiot, there appears to be a problem with pool.magnatum.io.
This wallet has only been used on pool.magnatum.io, and as you can see from the block explorer, no trades out have been made... yet there is a discrepancy between "total paid" from the pool and the block explorer.
I would normally think this is a maturity issue, but the most recent transactions are being credited to the wallet app. But I cannot figure out where the math isn't totally correctly.
Thanks in advance.
simple answer is official pool is a rip off as well i guess
Block explorer is probably incorrect. Add the private key for that address to a fresh wallet and see if that balance matches up.
wow, that's aggressive. I tried it, but ... again, the most recent transactions are all showing, so I'm confused at how these could be off. Blockchain is about having all historical transactions, etc... so there shouldn't be these kinds of errors. My wallet agrees with the block explorer. When I put the wallet.dat on the new install of the wallet, it knew the value even before it sync'd with the blockchain...
The new wallet showed the unconfirmed transfers between spendable and unconfirmed, but the total value was the same as the original wallet.
Whatever is happening with the official pool, I hope they figure it out soon.