1) If we place a buy wall now then people who picked up on the dump can easily lock in a large profit and will sell, so early buyers may not be able to exit their positions if they wish to do so.
2) We did not have Bittrex place the buy wall because we clearly asked for community input via email over a 24 hour period post-ITO and only received one email, which was for a refund, which we processed.
3) If we placed the buy wall now, later buyers could exit their positions before early buyers have the opportunity and that defeats the purpose because the whole point of the wall was to help out early buyers.
We are trying to reach the best solution across the board, but it is very hard with many completely different strategies posted on this thread. We will work towards satisfying early buyers but we need them to communicate directly with us via email or DM on twitter.
Devs, I must give you major kudos for even bothering to respond to scam/shady/etc accusations.
I'm not sure if the Sembro team is new here, but let me give you guys a piece of advice. BCT is a cesspool of manipulation. Im not going to go into details, but I will say this is NOT the best place to take people seriously. My suggestions is to resume your campaign updates, etc, on twitter AND your very own forum. I can tell you from experiences that 95% of the FUD doesn't follow coins when they migrate to other forums.
I wouldn't advise you to completely abandon Bitcointalk, oh God no, dont do that. But at the very least, you need to create a NEW SELF-MODERATED thread.
As an investor, it is clear to me that you guys are very serious with your plans for the future of SMBR, and I know you guys have probably been uneasy getting T-Boned by the merciless BCTalk community. I just want to say that these are the vocal minority.
Finally, I want to leave of with this:
Keep the BTC funds. Forget the buy wall. As a SMBR investor, I took the risk of buying in ITO and invested in SMBR for the sake of investing in it and seeing the projects come into fruition. Not this 'quick coin-flip major profit' mindset these vocal minority are clearly all about. If you give in to these ridiculous suggestions, you will only be instilling this type of behavior for future ICO's/startups whose value may decrease upon launch. In the long-term, this buy-wall business post-ITO is no good. The coins have been distributed and investors who came in later are just begging for a buy wall to be set up. Most likely half of the people here demanding a buy wall are those who bought SMBR post-ITO.
You have done what you can, and let me tell you, no matter what you do at this point, you are going to get major flak for it.
Do the BEST thing for the community in the long-run and that is to USE those ITO funds for further development of your projects lined up for Sembro. Please do not give in to what has become of this thread post-launch. Again, I say all this as a SMBR investor & am sure that I have invested more in the ITO than 90% of the people complaining here.
Devs, keep the BTC and develop SMBR. FUDsters, let this be a lesson to you on what true investing means.
To the rest, I can tell you right now that in time, SMBR will go back to ITO prices and well surpass it. So keep calm.
Very old & common saying but it clearly applies here as it does to real world businesses, startups, other altcoins, and of course, Bitcoin -- "Rome wasn't built in a day"