So after finding out that me and Rav3n both built a version of P2Pool which are incompatible I decided to take mine offline since Rav3n supports multiple alt-coins and it is already implemented on more nodes.
I updated the P2Pool software on the server. can now point your miner at also still have the old instance running because I don't want to throw away (not only my) hashes there unless I have to and people are still connected. I will keep hashing on it for 24 hours or until the block drops. As soon as the block drops I will take it offline. Feel free to already connect to the new instance at the new port, you will still get your shares should the block drop.
I'm sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.
These are now the P2Pool nodes that I know of in the pool: (seems down atm?)
If you want to mine on it, just use an address as username, password does not matter.
cgminer --scrypt -o -u SWRAdrk56FgrGz3VFpwca4BJDSdNZfGb5y -p x
Just replace the address with your own otherwise you'll mine for me ;-)
If you want to set up your own P2Pool instance (recommended so that the pool can grow and get stronger) the source code is here: the instance with:
python --net smartcoin
Important ports are 9585 for workers, 8585 for P2P network.