4175+5005+5571=147518616+5735+6331=2068220682 coins has departed to auditorium, was gone?
14751 coins are added POS ?
Wallet v3.1.1.0 (Trustless with Multisig)
http://i.imgur.com/9MAZVJS.png They are Orphan Blocks.
An Orphan block is what is made when a person mining by either Proof of Work/Stake finds a block on the wrong chain, leaving the block rejected by the official blockchain.
When an orphan block occurs via proof of stake mining, it is because another block of Supercoin staked at the same time and the blockchain accepted the other block's stake
rather than your stake. The PoS transaction in the QT client will show 0 confirmations, and only exists in your own client and is not recorded to the blockchain.
If you get an orphan, simply keep your wallet as is and your Supercoin block will remain in the pool of blocks competing for stake, you did not lose any coin age that has
accumulated. Furthermore the way Supercoin is designed, the higher the coin age the more staking bonus you will get.
So in the case of an orphaned PoS block, you will not "lose" anything because you will be compensated for the extra time the block took to mature.