Anon feature in testnet working fine. The sent coin isplit into 2 or 3 parts (from the split amounts, looks random to me, maybe some special algorithms), sometimes no split for small amounts, then the receiving wallet get the sent amount, in a single value (original sent value), quite fast. I checked a few transactions, no pattern found, each time the address that sent the amount to receiving wallet is different, looks like randomly generated addresses.
Very cool, excellent job, devs!!!
Thanks for the test report. The released anon wallet version is 1.2.1-a ("a" means anon). It includes all the V1.2 changes. You can use it for regular SUPER wallet too (just change config testnet=0). The anon features are disabled now for regular network (though the checkbox still there, but if you check and try to send, an error message window will be displayed)., you are allowed only to use regular send at this time for regular SUPER network.