lmao, this is a complete joke, if this is done by poloniex tech staff, I feel really sorry to them
Here is a reply from a forum member (timerland) to that accusation:
Is this an amateur or a 10-years-old? The max coin limits the maximum coin, but does it mean the maximum coin will be generated?? Not at all. The generated coin depends on the formula in 3functions:
- GetProofOfWorkReward()
- GetProofOfStakeReward()
- GetProofOfWorkBonusRewardFactor()
These functions define how many coins will be generated. Moreover, even the system generates more coins than the MAX_MONEY defined above, there will be no problem at all, go look at the code. If Poloniex tech staff is that dumb, I feel very sorry for them, it is a joke!
This member stated the fact. These 3 functions determined how many coins will be generated. The MAX_MONEY is largely irrelavent. All it does (and the dAmount), is to check
each transaction if this limit exceeded.
I can't believe this, it's like a circus
Yes, and also you can set the upper limit to be 10000000000000000000 trillion, but only generate 15 millions, is there a problem there? someone is completely idiot.
If you want to know how many coins will be generated, look at the functions generating them, not the limit. Idiot!
Again on this MAX_MONEY, for those who does not understand the code, here is where it used:
bool CTransaction::CheckTransaction() const
if (txout.nValue > MAX_MONEY)
return DoS(100, error("CTransaction::CheckTransaction() : txout.nValue too high"));
What does it mean? It mean
if this *transaction* amount exceeds the MAX_MONEY, return error.Does it check how much money you have?
Not at all. You can have 10 times MAX_MONEY in your wallet!
Does it check how many coins the system generated?
Not at all.
So MAX_MONEY does not limit the system generated total coin at all!Idoits, follow and learn... you'll never get it!