I just want to know why they targeted only VRC...
Because it is an easy target... if you own 4.5 million coins. Or, in the immortal words of Gordon Gekko, because "it can be done, damnit!". A 51% attack is a guaranteed success. The Black Hand owns 4.5 million VRC.
Quite simple, really.
Iconic Expert stay the fuck outta this thread you lying sack of shit I wouldn't be surprised if you had something to do with the hack
Douglas, you pretending I am IconicExpert? say it ain't so... you are not supposed to be stupid...
Now, for those REALLY interested in the dangers that VRC faces, besides this theft. And the use of common sense: Go back please to the post of
Celani10 on July 6th. There's a wallet that owns 4.5 million coins -there was then at least, by now it probably has been spread through several-. There's NOTHING the developers can do about it (an organized group of "investors" simply accumulate by buying on the open market). Plus, it is, apparently, good for the coin, right? Relatively so. As we have witnessed, a 51% attack, with guaranteed success, is indeed possible with that amount of coins since only 51% of STAKING coins are needed to perpetrate it.
That is is you want to have a guaranteed successful 51% attack. But you stand a very good chance is you perpetrate the attack with much less than 51% of the total coins STAKING. As a matter of fact, you stand a very good chance of success in such an attack even if you control "only" 38% of the STAKING coins or even less. How much % of STAKING coins in VRC is 4.5 million? Well, Patrick and Douglas know exactly but if you use common sense and known facts you will conclude that with 4.5 million VRC you stand a very good chance, if not guarantee, of success. Simple known facts, basic common sense.
Now, for the second consideration,
"Mr. Yo soy Boricua pa que tu lo sepas", a well known
Black Hand operative with a muddy track record (BC, Cinni), all of a sudden and out of his kind heart work his ass out -quite literally- for weeks to promote VRC in which he has some investment -as per Patrick, around 200,000 VRC- AND writes a "five figure (in dollars) check" to pay for the Bristol PR contract to promote VRC. Such generosity. One has to wonder what motivates Mr Boricua Man to do such things. Is he after the position of Ambassador from UNICEF? nope. He just wants "to be part of something big..." Caustic words that could have quite metaphoric meaning, you be the judge... but just consider what level of profit you must reach on a 200,000 VRC investment for a "gift" of "five figure (in dollars) check", to make any sense --now that we have the possible UNICEF pursuit out of consideration.
So reflect on this and by all means come to some logical conclusions and, above all, potential solutions -for currently there are none nor I can suggest any.
I find the roll back solution adopted both inevitable and a bit of poetic justice letting the crooks holding the bag of crap... for now. But, admittedly, this cannot be a model for such solutions in the future so, how do we respond to the obvious -and quite cheap, actually- threat of a 51% attack situation that a group like the Black Hand -and, mind you, there are many others already formed and forming at the moment- can perpetrate at any moment? What are the implications? Are there potential solutions?
One more consideration: Everyone is advocating for "staking" now. This is simply wrong for a coin that expects to reach mainstream: Coins need to be SPENT and Exchanged. For goods and for other valuables -including other coins and currencies- otherwise it will be going in the opposite direction of mainstream. Staking, in and of itself, will precisely mean the opposite of what VRC is supposed to become.