Have you tried leaving the wallet closed on one of your windows machines for a couple of weeks so it's forced to do a resync?
Yes and it usually works fine.
EXCEPTION: N5boost10filesystem16filesystem_errorE
boost::filesystem::remove: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: "C:\coins\cryptonite\blocks\index\000081.sst"
C:\coins\cryptonite\win64_cryptonite-qt_14091021.exe in Runaway exception
The good news is you've provided a descriptive error message to help pinpoint the issue. The bad news is this seems to be a problem which has exist for several years in other altcoins such as litecoin and still hasn't been fixed:
https://litecointalk.org/index.php?topic=10746.0EXCEPTION: N5boost10filesystem16filesystem_errorE
boost::filesystem:remove: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: "C:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Litecoin\litecoinqt.exe in Runaway exception.
My naive guess would be that you might have cryptonited already running in the background or something.
I thought the code was forked from bitcoin rather than litecoin as that what it says in the description.
I guess the other altcoins don't have the same need for resync as the don't use the mini blockchain scheme. Cryptonite seems to need a resync if a node hasn't connected for over a week. Looking back at the debug.log file the following error is from when I ran the client the other day:-
'Warning: saved state too old. Fast forward sync may not be possible. Run Resync!!!'
This is when I clicked resync and after that it crashed with the error I posted before. It was the only copy of cryptonited running at the time, I don't think it's even possible to start two copies at the same time.
After the crash I no longer have a blk00000.dat file so I get the following error messages when I try to start the client:-
2015-01-31 20:15:46 Unable to open file C:\coins\cryptonite\blocks\blk00000.dat
2015-01-31 20:15:46 ERROR: ReadBlockFromDisk : OpenBlockFile failed
2015-01-31 20:15:46 ReadBlockFromDisk: Could not find block 000000000669d21da5b787ed397a3e10600c5708cb89a227948d98d73409c9f8
2015-01-31 20:15:46 *** Failed to read block2
2015-01-31 20:15:57 Cannot fastforward chain because of connecttip fail: 000000000669d21da5b787ed397a3e10600c5708cb89a227948d98d73409c9f8
2015-01-31 20:15:57 Requesting shutdown
It spends a while on the splash screen saying 'loading block index' and then it fails with 'failed to read block2'
It should work if I do the usual trick of deleting everything bar the wallet.dat including the registry entries to re-install the client. But I'll leave it in the current state in case you need any more logs from it as I don't need to make any transactions now.