SHA miners are finding blocks worth 500 coins but every time there are no transactions included... (im not saying there wont be proof of an sha block found with transactions)
POS stakers are finding blocks worth their 3%+transaction fee near INSTANTLY when a transaction needs to be included in a block.
Ive seen a coin before where when the mempool or whatever was empty it created dummy work. so the dev spammed the chain to provide work every minute which was usually solved in less time. because all the work that could be done was on hold waiting for the mempool to fill, the diff required to solve did not reflect the amount of work capable/readily available, when the mempool filled a block was solved very quickly.
Applies to XCO: if stakers are only solving blocks when theres a transaction(s) to include then inconsistancey in usage will lead to lower diff and higher stakes available so the second transactions appear a solution is found and theyre included/broadcast in a block.
Shitty Example: 20 guys wait at a crosswalk to help seniors, as soon as one arrives there is no wait.
Anyways if this is true, people could spam the chain with tx to limit the POW blocks and reduce the overall supply. if its not true i have a wild imagination.
Actually, its simply fast to confirm (less than 1 minute target) because pos is active during pow.
Average time for a block to be found is 25 seconds now.
When pow ends the average time for a pos block to be found will be 60 seconds.
Sending coins does not make pow shorter and it does not make a block found. Blocks are found regardless of if there are transactions.
About the coins being sent instantly, that is not true. They are broadcast and known to the peers instantly because the internet is fast and we have good nodes. But, they are not confirmed until people find a block(the average for this, is half the average block time) so while its hybrid pow/pos now, the transaction will have the first confirmation in average 12.5 seconds. when pow ends, the average will be 30 seconds to enter a block. but each block still is found at an average of 25 seconds durring pow, and average of 60 seconds when pow ends.
First I'd like to apologize for not having a clue how things work. Having said that, I run some tests and I could swear the transactions speed up the blocks somehow??
Here's what I did: Sent a bunch of 10 XCO TXs to myself, alternating from different confirmed inputs for each tx (Im clumsy but I did it as fast as i could, ie selecting inputs pasting the address and sending). Started on block 18,390 this is what the block explorer says: from 18,390 and up blocks appear to have been solved with stake diff? and average time decreased a lot as opposed to 1tx 500 PoW blocks before I started my "test"
grey parts are prior to my transactions and the red letters are seconds from previous block.
sorry again, I guess it is evident I am technically challenged for this kind of stuff.
If you send a million transactions now, it wont make a million blocks come...