4, BTC38 will list the most voted to the exchange periodically. The period will be 1 to 3 weeks.
3 months have go already
I tweeted them to ask them why it hasn't been added yet. Here's their twitter page: https://twitter.com/btc38com
The "problem" with the XCP price isn't that it's lower than before, it's that the liquidity is too low. Anyone with decent holdings wanting to cash out can move the market down 50%.
maybe they have affiliations + market making endeavours with BTS so have incentivization to keep CNY/BTS markets active, the volume there always eclipses BTS/BTC, Although they can make money with XCP trades perhaps it's not enough compared to what they receive currently or will detract from that, maybe this is the reason they haven't added XCP yet.
I, along with some other users had contacted them regarding this numerous times but never received any concrete answer.