I'm also showing a lower BTC balance, 1.8583 instead of the 2.02 BTC I started with - has it been eaten away by all these orders? Does this mean all of 8 orders will fail because the BTC balance is no longer at 2? When I placed the order, it said the total cost was 2.02 BTC, now I'm down to 1.8583 BTC with no order filled.
Considering you were ordering my asset I'll answer this for you:
Each transaction takes a BTC fee. That is 0.02, hence the lower balance.
They will expire and you will get that back in a couple more blocks, which is a pain for both of us but you can re-do it.
William Dunne
I've sent another .15 BTC to bring the BTC balance up, guess I should have read this first. I may need to have some extra dust anyway. We'll see how it goes. Thanks for the reply. The confirmation pop-up has to go. I service computers and see how regular people use them. This will never fly for the average user in its current state.
I've created a bug report for this as a GitHub issue. Thanks for bringing this to our attention (the unreliability of the confirmation pop-up).
You should probably cancel your open orders, yes. The fees can't be refunded, however.
So I noticed. I cancelled them, but I'm short 0.1451838 BTC, original deposit 2.02 BTC + .15 BTC extra - 2.02 filled order - 0.0048162 final BTC balance after 7 orders cancelled. Is there someone who can issue a refund of the missing BTC. That's about $64 USD at current prices. Where do the fees go?