Why not issue a secondary token on Counterparty like XCP, but this time hold a crowdfund, so that the funds are not burned but collected, and then launch a marketing missile built with those monies. I would say aim to raise 2,000 BTC. This entire community including other communities has nothing but trust for this project and its initiators. Word has gotten well around, that there is no greed at the foundation here.
I'm not sure of the specifics, but something could be issued that might be pegged with something else at a later date ? Or devise something to give incentive to investors.. its very possible.
This gave me an idea, but then again I don't have the clear understanding of Counterparty that many here have, so maybe this is silly or redundant.
How about issuing a Counterparty asset (XCPNOW?) which uses half of its invested funds to market or otherwise benefit Counterparty and half to buy XCP. The fact that the XCPNOW organization holds half of its invested funds in XCP would give its shares some intrinsic value. Besides benefiting Counterparty, this would be a good way to demonstrate and show off the asset system and let people gain some experience with it. Buying XCP directly would have more potential for profit, so half of this investment would essentially be a donation.
Since no one bit into this I guess I will so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.
This actually has some interesting implications.
It doesn't really differ from just buying 50% of XCP and donating the other 50% though.
I'm working on something that is similar to this that will benefit everyone in the counterparty community and you've given me a great idea.