I think it's a ludicrous idea.
Basically Luke-Jr is saying we should have a model of explicit whitelisting where people ask permission first to use Bitcoin. Right now that wouldn't be one patch, it'd be two patches: Counterparty and Mastercoin. Very soon it'll be three patches as Colored Coins adds decentralized exchange functionality, and probably soon after that four patches when Zerocoin is deployed, five once the guys doing secure multiparty computation with Bitcoin release their software, six for... You get the idea. On top of that from technical perspective writing a general purpose patch to distinguish even just Counterparty transactions from "spam" is impossible without having access to the Counterparty consensus state. Sorry guys, but Luke is either foolish or trolling you.
There's a bigger issue too: You know, one of my criticisms of Mastercoin and Counterparty is that because they don't have a scripting system adding new functionality requires the co-operation from core developers to deploy as an upgrade. Yet here, we see Luke wanting the exact same model for Bitcoin in perpetuity.
Anyway, as I've said before, getting OP_RETURN deployed makes Counterparty and Mastercoin transactions a bit cheaper. That's it. This isn't a "sky is falling" scenario, this is a "better get the umbrellas out" scenario.
Peter, I admire you immensely and I enjoy you work and respect your passion. However, I'm disappointed that your response (as a paid Counterparty representative) seems equally mixed with personal anger against Luke-Jr and insightful comments on how to resolve our issues. Your post above accusing Luke-Jr of trolling and calling the proposal "ludicrous" was unnecessary to help us move forward and may have set us back.
Neither jgarzick nor Luke-Jr have made any personal attacks on anyone in the Counterparty team during this exchange. If we wish to continue to make progress together on this issue, I must ask that you refrain from making personal attacks against other bitcoin core devs, particularly as you officially represent Counterparty.
Yes, we have our differences and we may not like each other that much, but I would ask that we keep our focus on the commenting on the merits of the solutions proposed. If I recall, it was you who said we must stay in the herd with the greatest numbers for the greatest security. I agree with you and hope that you'll agree with me to keep our exchanges professional so we can stick together.
EDIT: I will also that ask that you and Luke-Jr discuss the Coiledcoin 51% attack accusations separately from this thread, if that's okay.