On the contrary, I support extending it to do what Counterparty wants.
But such extensions are slow-moving right now, and take time to implement properly.
I also understand Counterparty wants a solution "today".
I agree the 80-byte OP_RETURN is a good short-term way to do this.
Deploying a whitelist to miners, to accept these Counterparty transactions can be done within a few weeks.
But deploying a default relay policy change requires months (releasing a new version of Bitcoin Core, and the slowest part: waiting for all the users to upgrade).
Thankfully, there is an immediately available workaround to not having the default relay policy "on your side":
Just have Counterparty participants relay their transactions to nodes running the updated relay policy.
So, recommended course of action:
1. Write Bitcoin Core patch to whitelist 80-byte OP_RETURN-based Counterparty transactions.
2. Deploy patch to major mining pools, and open merge request with mainline Bitcoin Core.
3. Begin using OP_RETURN Counterparty immediately; use addnode to get it relayed to miners.
4. After discussion, patch is merged to Bitcoin Core.
5. Bitcoin Core 0.10 is released with a default relay policy accepting Counterparty transactions, and addnode is no longer needed.
6. Counterparty developers discuss future plans with Freimarkets developers and others interested in this kind of functionality.
7. Interested developers figure out the best way to do everything, probably including using merged-mining, side-chains, and other things that are impractical today.
8. Interested developers implement new system, and write a BIP documenting it.
9. BIP gets reviewed.
10. Counterparty users upgrade to new version based on BIP.
11. Everyone gets a break.
Hopefully that clarifies my position.
I believe that this is (finally) very positive and reasonable. this is the attitude. the rest is in the details that can be reasonably solved. no need for hostile interactions from all parties.
I'd like to see the response from the CP team to this. progress no?
I believe that we ALL want the same thing: the advancement of the space through the real and positive paradigm shift that will ultimately benefit mankind (yes.... mankind, unbanked or banked alike...3rd world and 1st world alike).
I think it's a ludicrous idea.
Basically Luke-Jr is saying we should have a model of explicit whitelisting where people ask permission first to use Bitcoin. Right now that wouldn't be one patch, it'd be two patches: Counterparty and Mastercoin. Very soon it'll be three patches as Colored Coins adds decentralized exchange functionality, and probably soon after that four patches when Zerocoin is deployed, five once the guys doing secure multiparty computation with Bitcoin release their software, six for... You get the idea. On top of that from technical perspective writing a general purpose patch to distinguish even just Counterparty transactions from "spam" is impossible without having access to the Counterparty consensus state. Sorry guys, but Luke is either foolish or trolling you.
There's a bigger issue too: You know, one of my criticisms of Mastercoin and Counterparty is that because they don't have a scripting system adding new functionality requires the co-operation from core developers to deploy as an upgrade. Yet here, we see Luke wanting the exact same model for Bitcoin in perpetuity.
Anyway, as I've said before, getting OP_RETURN deployed makes Counterparty and Mastercoin transactions a bit cheaper. That's it. This isn't a "sky is falling" scenario, this is a "better get the umbrellas out" scenario.
This is exactly correct.