If xcp = msc I will be a rich man. I was poor my whole life.
and if xcp=msc(which mearns that xcp=0.12BTC), i will donate my 10% xcp to the XCP team.
I'll definitely donate several thousands of dollars to the developers
me too
It is always funny to see how billionaires-wannabe turn this around. *If I am a billionaire thanks to you, I will give you one million*. Right, this is EXACTLY how this works.
What you should understand, is that magic internet money will not X1000 over night thanks to a miracle, and the devs need our support NOW, to spread the XCP love asap. This is key for the success of the protocol. I know halfcab made a few donations, and so did I.
So please, if you want to be a real good Samaritan, you can either give money now, or just STFU.
Thanks for your cooperation.
how much did u donate?
That member behaves like a rabid canine, there's no reason for it. The developers have already stated they are self sufficient and I personally donated 2 btc.
I do side with his point of donating before the fact rather than later, just don't think people will get the message when they have to Wade through the attacks.
I don't expect the greedy guinea pigs to either donate or get the message. You either do something real or not. There is no other alternative.
Anything else is just a fake warm feeling for the greedy guinea pigs to fool themselves into being a part of the *community* or whatever this thread is. So, either you do something and you might open your fat mouth if you want (don't feel you have to), or just STFU.