An ‘order’ is an offer to give a particular quantity of a particular asset and get some quantity of some other asset in return. No distinction is drawn between a ‘buy order’ and a ‘sell order’. The assets being given are escrowed away immediately upon the order being parsed. That is, if someone wants to give 1 XCP for 2 BTC, then as soon as he publishes that order, his balance of XCP is reduced by one.
Someday we will look back and laugh even more when 1 XCP really equals 10 BTC. And all the CAKE will be gone.
10 BTC!??
Effectively putting the market cap around $17B at today's prices. Hey Facebook paid as much for WhatsApp!
sorry, I got too excited by the example and forgot to convert my values from base 2
I don't like to start wild speculations, but this could be much, much bigger than Facebook AND Whatsapp!
And of course, there will be CAKE.
Hurry up and get some here: https://forums.counterparty.co/index.php/topic,118.0.html
You should sell MUSHROOMS instead of CAKE, you would make a fortune, since you have top level stuff apparently. Just hope there will be some left, since you seem to have a huge appetite.