Actually, burning real money is illegal in China, just like in most countries. But certainly nobody cares if you are not burning millions.
Burn 10$, it's a crime.
Burn 1'000'000$, it's statistic
Am I the only one having problem with the decentralized market?
I get this error:
counterpartyd market
Open Orders
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/panonym/counterpartyd_build/dist/counterpartyd/", line 612, in
market(args.give_asset, args.get_asset)
File "/home/panonym/counterpartyd_build/dist/counterpartyd/", line 42, in market
File "/home/panonym/counterpartyd_build/env/lib/python3.3/site-packages/", line 984, in get_string
rows = self._get_rows(options)
File "/home/panonym/counterpartyd_build/env/lib/python3.3/site-packages/", line 933, in _get_rows
rows.sort(reverse=options["reversesort"], key=options["sort_key"])
TypeError: unorderable types: str() < int()
I updated from git right now.
I already got a similar error 2 days ago. ('needed a break, didn't reported ASAP)
For XCP value to increase faster:
A centralized exchange could be a big plus (need easiness for the "mainstreamer").
An intuitive GUI could be enough (but it force the "mainstreamer" to have a full bitcoind running, with txindex=1)
This could help for inspiration: only the decentralized exchange, but allowing an easy access to it from a website.
Where at least the exchange BTC -> XCP would be made extremely easy.
Such as "send 0.005BTC here" to cover the fee [of the webmaster account] for matching an order.
Then when matched, "send xBTC there" corresponding to btcpay_ID, which finalize the transaction.
So that if someone new - buy with close to zero knowledge - wish to buy XCP, he can use this intermediary service.
Just need to send 2 time BTC and it's done for him.
Or webmaster can think about a % fee. User need only one transaction.
Send x BTC somewhere, get y XCP minus fee.
Easiness = good for market value.