Create a finite lifespan for asset appear to be an horrible idea to me...
Imagine if your BTC suddenly disappeared.
Or that you spend a lot of time for promotion, succeed to have an awesome dividend system to many client and suddenly all your client holding disappear.
I can hardly imagine something better to destroy your business.
If it's set to expire then just pay the XCP fee before the date. Bitcoin doesn't function if no one mines so everyone pays miner fees. If you're running a business and you can't pay the registration fee or whatever fee then you're not really running a business anymore. It's really no different. If you stop paying for your website fees or anything else then it goes down. Businesses will always pay the XCP fee and if its a currency not run by a business then someone will pay the fee.
That and also credit or redeemable assets have to expire by design. If they don't expire then how do you offer credit coups? You can't.
I'm still waiting to see that.
1 time command/transmission, y$ set to be send in 2~48 time (automatically), over t time.
I have a pubkey with x.
I wish x/12 to be send to someone else every month (nb equi block).
edit: doing it manually every month will be a real pain + forget = business destroyed
A subscription function could allow for recurring payments. You would subscribe to a feed and it would pay the fee on a recurring basis. You would subscribe and it would automatically pay. Of course you would have to set the maximum fee you're willing to pay in total, but once that is set then it could be automatic. I really don't think it's a big deal.
nLockTime right? You can send your fee payments into the future. So you could pay for your future fees by subscribing in such a way so that you pay it into the future up to a maximum amount and time. If my understanding is right it would even be something which could be seen on the blockchain. The money would just be released at a fixed rate so that you could pay the fees for years in advance.
And also if it's registered on the blockchain for example, if you pay your fees into the future while fees are low, it might be possible to do it in a way where even if the fees are raised you've already paid 5 years in advance. But people who didn't pay into the future, if the fees raise their prices are not locked in.
Then we could encourage people to pay 5 years in advance to lock in those cheap fee rates. People who don't do that will just pay whatever the fee rates are, this would encourage people to pay years in advance and create stability.