Perhaps we can fork and adapt it for XCP testing needs, so community could submit bug reports in proper manner?
I'd like to hear what xnova has to say about this, especially with regard to any potential insufficiency in the current unit test suite.
counterpartyd does have some unit tests, however as PhantomPhreak alluded to, the coverage definitely isn't fully there. In any case, human exploratory QA is always a big plus with ferreting out problems. I think having QA test procedures make sense, if there are members of the community that are willing to do QA.
SyRenity (or anyone else who may be interested), feel free to fork off the QA docs and put together some for counterpartyd. I'd be happy to include them within the main docs, or we can have a separate site for them (either works). It would basically be documentation with how to get the environment up and running for QA (which could mostly just refer to the existing build system documentation), as well as QA testing/bug submission procedures (i.e. file any bugs in github), and possibly the start of a manual test plan (or we can just leave it to be ad-hoc testing, since most all fixed tests we should be able to implement in an automated function).
I can see manual QA testing being particularly valuable with the build system (i.e. someone to keep up a VM of each supported platform, and test any new releases against that platform to make sure they build correctly).
Also, we would also be happy to accept any code enhancements to the existing automated tests -- ESPECIALLY around making API calls. Anyone possibly interested in this should contact PhantomPhreak or I.
QA isn't the sexiest thing out there, but it's needed, especially for financial software like Counterparty.
EDIT: If you do fork, please fork from the original Bitcoin version of the test plans that Gavin made, as the Mastercoin fork is pretty much identical (or different in non-applicable ways) and I don't see the value in forking from that.