
Topic: [ANN][XMY] Myriad | Multi-Algo, Fair, Secure - page 235. (Read 849993 times)

Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
A try to strengthen  my argument : I could replace the text myriad. With whitecoin and leave the rest as it is and I would have a killer ad for whitecoin. But I don't want to be the  Party pooper.. It's a cool teaser otherwise  Grin

Do it!
full member
Activity: 155
Merit: 100
full member
Activity: 184
Merit: 100
A try to strengthen  my argument : I could replace the text myriad. With whitecoin and leave the rest as it is and I would have a killer ad for whitecoin. But I don't want to be the  Party pooper.. It's a cool teaser otherwise  Grin
Activity: 102
Merit: 10

Superb. The best ad I have ever seen for a coin. Killer minimalistic design.
Agreed. Nice work!
sr. member
Activity: 419
Merit: 250
Extra looking ad for Myriad. Great work!
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Superb. The best ad I have ever seen for a coin. Killer minimalistic design.

Its just not really informative. That white circle doesnt reveal anything and it seems like any other coin that tries to be a coin for everyone.

It's a teaser ad. It's not a full blown brochure with all the features. These kind of ads have their place too.

Sure you could add an ever more provocative/intriguing slogan/text - to spark more interest, but the design is just great.

Agreed. More informative banners/backgrounds will be made but this is just sexy.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
Superb. The best ad I have ever seen for a coin. Killer minimalistic design.

Its just not really informative. That white circle doesnt reveal anything and it seems like any other coin that tries to be a coin for everyone.

It's a teaser ad. It's not a full blown brochure with all the features. These kind of ads have their place too.

Sure you could add an ever more provocative/intriguing slogan/text - to spark more interest, but the design is just great.
full member
Activity: 184
Merit: 100
Superb. The best ad I have ever seen for a coin. Killer minimalistic design.

Its just not really informative. That white circle doesnt reveal anything and it seems like any other coin that tries to be a coin for everyone.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000

Superb. The best ad I have ever seen for a coin. Killer minimalistic design.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
Myriadcoin is now being traded on ( Trade against BTC and USD:

Support on their Android trading platform is happening as we speak:

Current BTC/USD rate on = 530 USD
BTC-e = 444 USD
Bitstamp = 455 USD

PRELUDE.IO Scam exchange ?
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Myriadcoin is now being traded on ( Trade against BTC and USD:

Support on their Android trading platform is happening as we speak:
Activity: 133
Merit: 10
Has anyone been able to get their Win 7 rig running R9 290's to run at greater than 640x480 headless?  If I attach a monitor I can set what resolution I want and it will stay like that after I remove the monitor however after a reboot it goes back to 640x480.  I've tried every trick I could find on the net without success   Shocked  I don't have a spare monitor I can leave attached to it either.

There is an HDMI fake monitor plug on ebay, is that the only way?

Unfortunately yes. In my rigs with R9 290 I have put one non 290's Gpu as primary card to solve this problem.

So any old card will do?

I have combined 280x. Any R9 270,280 (or older series 5,6,7 ) will work.

Any old card will not do, doh!!!

I tried an old ATI card that took out the driver.
I tried an nVidia nvs300, no good either.
I tried a Matrox card, same result.
I received an email from ATI regarding an update to 14.4 so I'm trying that now. . .

I'm still not able to get above 640x480 but the latest driver gives me an extra .6Mh/s per card  Grin

And fan speed is now in % rather than rpm

.6mh ? what algo ?

sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
Has anyone been able to get their Win 7 rig running R9 290's to run at greater than 640x480 headless?  If I attach a monitor I can set what resolution I want and it will stay like that after I remove the monitor however after a reboot it goes back to 640x480.  I've tried every trick I could find on the net without success   Shocked  I don't have a spare monitor I can leave attached to it either.

There is an HDMI fake monitor plug on ebay, is that the only way?

Unfortunately yes. In my rigs with R9 290 I have put one non 290's Gpu as primary card to solve this problem.

So any old card will do?

I have combined 280x. Any R9 270,280 (or older series 5,6,7 ) will work.

Any old card will not do, doh!!!

I tried an old ATI card that took out the driver.
I tried an nVidia nvs300, no good either.
I tried a Matrox card, same result.
I received an email from ATI regarding an update to 14.4 so I'm trying that now. . .

I'm still not able to get above 640x480 but the latest driver gives me an extra .6Mh/s per card  Grin

And fan speed is now in % rather than rpm

.6mh ? what algo ?
Activity: 133
Merit: 10
Has anyone been able to get their Win 7 rig running R9 290's to run at greater than 640x480 headless?  If I attach a monitor I can set what resolution I want and it will stay like that after I remove the monitor however after a reboot it goes back to 640x480.  I've tried every trick I could find on the net without success   Shocked  I don't have a spare monitor I can leave attached to it either.

There is an HDMI fake monitor plug on ebay, is that the only way?

Unfortunately yes. In my rigs with R9 290 I have put one non 290's Gpu as primary card to solve this problem.

So any old card will do?

I have combined 280x. Any R9 270,280 (or older series 5,6,7 ) will work.

Any old card will not do, doh!!!

I tried an old ATI card that took out the driver.
I tried an nVidia nvs300, no good either.
I tried a Matrox card, same result.
I received an email from ATI regarding an update to 14.4 so I'm trying that now. . .

I'm still not able to get above 640x480 but the latest driver gives me an extra .6Mh/s per card  Grin

And fan speed is now in % rather than rpm
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Does anyone feel polishing up the Myriad mining guide? We can put it on a Myriad Wiki at some point.

Here is the rough guide made by foodies:

Big bounty will be rewarded for doing this.
sr. member
Activity: 244
Merit: 250
Someone just donated 20,000 MYR to the Android Wallet bounty. Thanks!

sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Someone just donated 20,000 MYR to the Android Wallet bounty. Thanks!
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
New Myriadcoin Bounty Listing!

Myriad Youtube Tipper Bot: MKgAspTqp9C5i44hWReqBksTcmAkwJK5y7
Create a Youtube Tipper Bot for Myriadcoin. You may need to utilize Google+ Accounts. (For reference, Coinye was able to create one here:

I personally will be donating 10,000 MYR to this bounty right now. The Youtube market is a huge untapped resource. If we want anyone to use Myriad, being able to tip on a platform like Youtube is HUGE.

Here is the rest of the bounties for the community to donate to:

Here is a screenshot for the lazy:

sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
does anyone know if there are any profitability calculators for mining myriad? I really like the coin and would like to support it, but I am not sure I could justify it if it is not profitable to mine. Thanks!

There is a scrypt calculator on
There is a SHA256 calculator on

Other profitability websites can't handle Myriad's complexity and sheer awesomeness Smiley
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