Everything I posted is real, there is no fud. MiTm attack has been never addressed and is not listed in the possible scenarios by the dev team.
When I pointed the flaw to the dev team they admitted the problem and asked to open a bug report and no, I,m not interested in bringing down the price. That is just ridiculous.
The main problem here is that a merchant must trust all the incoming data, while Bitcoin PoW makes sure that the incoming data is secure. Raiblocks code is poorly designed. And yeah, hackers hacked yahoo, sony, twitter, linkedin, do you really think it will be difficult to make a MITM attack? You are totally blind.
UDP packets are just welcoming attackers to join the party.
Please note that asking the vote for each traansaction has been proposed by the dev team as a solution to this, but other than the network usage you still have to trust the incoming data, infact you have to reach the 51% of online balance, and who tells you how much is this 51%? YOUR PEERS THAT ARE CONTROLLED BY THE ATTACKER.
And yeah, many people will just be blind and continue with their speculation, but money from the sky doesn't change what you are.
LOOLL, yeah, forgot to mention you. Join the other 3 please and show yourself out