I haven't ran my wallet in a long time, but now I just upgraded to the latest version.
So what do I do if the block count isn't matching up? I too have Not Pocketed transactions pending according to the official site. In the wallet the count in the ( ) which I assume is the current block is much higher than the one on the left which I assume is the one my wallet is stuck on. Unless I have to wait longer but it's been running all day and still isn't fully synced. I thought the old wallets told you it was fully synced when it was done if I recall.
Make sure to save SEED!
If you already set up password, unlock before backup
Advanced --> Accounts --> Backup/clipboard wallet Seed
Then paste with Ctrl+V in Notepad and save in safe place
64 digits and letters
Check twice! Seed is the most important thing to restore your accounts
Close wallet and make sure it's closed in Task Manager Processes (rai_wallet.exe)
Download and extract files from archive to %LOCALAPPDATA%\RaiBlocks with replacement
Win64 (24.04.2017):
Win32 (24.04.2017):
After replacement start wallet again
Advanced --> Accounts --> Import wallet
1st field: paste Seed you saved in file before
2nd field: type
clear keys
And press Import Seed
Then check if your old account is restored. If you use more that one account, add others in Advanced --> Accounts --> Create account