I have a problem with block explorer or with wallet? I am not sure, but i suppose it is explorer problem?
https://xsnexplorer.io/ showes 200 blocks earlier than on my wallet
It is kind strange.
Is there any alternative block explorer other then xsnexplorer?
Only one explorer. If u are just staking, then try delete peers.dat, blocks folder and chainstate folder while wallet is closed. Then load the wallet back up and let it fully sync.
If that does not help, then show up in wallet support on Discord.
I am staking TpoS way.. I've checked my local PC wallet block high and block high on my VPS and it showes equal numbers, so I suppose it should be ok with synchronization, or it's something wrong on both (I don't think so, cause I have update 0.16 wallet)..
Updating to new wallet does not equal sync. Any wallet can get out of sync if u have disruptions on the server u are using. Also u need to compare blocks + headers to make sure u are fully in sync. Those two numbers needs to be identical. Installing bootstrap om both ends often helps. Are u getting 9xsn per reward?
Below iv copied something from Tpos support in Discord u could try on your VPS to check.
But u should go to discord for support. There u get help almost right away.
First, I check if my node is synced (Headers=Blocks)
~/.xsncore/xsn-cli getblockchaininfo
I also check AssetID (must be 999)
~/.xsncore/xsn-cli mnsync status
I check staking status (everything - except "enoughcoins" - is true)
~/.xsncore/xsn-cli getstakingstatus
And I check debug log (you should get "XsnMiner -- Failed to find a coinstake" every 6 seconds)
tail -f ~/.xsncore/debug.log
Thanks, finally I get my rewards (after almost 1month of waiting - I made no action and now I have already 3rewards for October (5days/rewards) so it had to be my very bad luck I think.
What I noticed reward amount is decreasing - is there any place where I can check further changes?