As promised, here is the whitepaper brief that describes StealthSend.
there is a reason I did not invest in XMR , ByteCoin, or hell even Boolberry - I knew they are not longer term viable due to the nature of ring signature size requirements (even boolberry with its pruining)
Hondo has come up with a way to use Chandran signatures to fully resolve the cryptonote curse.
Do your research people.
StealthCoin will implement (Sublinear signatures) "Chandran Signatures" - this is ring signatures WITHOUT the block chain bloat
Ring signatures provide TRUE anoniminity - there is no doubt about that - but they suffer from bloating the block chain - this is why sublinear signatures are a good way to do anon - but wihout the bloat
Ring Signature coins (Crypto Note Coins) are not feasible for high volume transactions - the chain would grow to large to fast if people started using it like bitcoin or litecoin is used - Stealthcoin wont have this problem - which means stealthcoin could handle VISA or Mastercard type volume without being bloated out to butt fuck no where
Chandran signatures are square root in size - so it means that a 36KB ring signature now becomes a 4KB Chandran signature - means less space eaten on the block chain (faster synch times etc)
Crypto Note coins are impractical due to the large space requirements - this is why stealth will utilize "Sub linear Signatures" or "Chandran signatures" and be immune to the bloat - it allows to handle bitcoin volume like transactions
Chandran signatures (sublinear signatures) were conceptualized at UCLA (they are a real thing that DOES work) - stealth coin will be the FIRST coin to implant such thing
BBR (Boolberry) was close to solving the bloat problem by pruning and expiring signatures - but this is not the optimal way to do it - "Chandran" SubLinear signatures is the PROPER and optimal way to do it - by means that the signatures themselves will no consume near the space - so no need to prune
I feel like only Hondo know this TOR and cryptographic(anon) thing better than anyone else in this anon crypto stage. I have seen other devs don't even know what they're talking about or know what they're doing. I just can't wait for StealthSend and this POS/POW to kick in