you suggest newer zetacoind requires even older version?
You seem to be lacking in understanding of what Zetacoin is, how libraries work, and/or what was released when.
The "newer" Zetacoin is updated to the Bitcoin Core version 0.12.1.
- Boost version 1.59.0 was released August 13th, 2015.
- Bitcoin Core version 0.12.1 was released April 15th, 2016.
- Boost version 1.62.0 was released September 28th, 2016.
While you might have gotten lucky with the older base working, the fact remains that much was changed from the Boost 1.59.0 to the Boost 1.62.0 library 13 months later (and also Boost 1.62.0 was 5 months after the Bitcoin Core 0.12.1 code release).
What you're doing is akin to trying to use a 2009 Ferrari engine in a 1987 Pinto.